Dnipro Java Workshop
Topic: Dealing with Trees in Java
We would like to invite you to a workshop to level up your skills with Tree-like data structures.
Our instructor will encourage you to look at complex systems in a brand new way.
The workshop will be 100% practical where you will be creating your own solution for predefined configuration tests.
Good to have:
- Good knowledge of Java;
- Essential understanding about O(log(n)) time complexity;
- Short answer to the question “How are you planning to use this?”.
You will need:
- Laptop;
- Installed Java 8 or higher;
- Installed Intellij Idea.
As a bonus:
- You’ll get familiar with a bunch of advanced data structures;
- You’ll get recommendation for further in-depth learning for this topic.
Price: 350 UAH*
Your ticket is here: https://2event.com/uk/events/1856132
*All money will be donated to charity
10:00 – 10:15: Registration&Welcome coffee
10:15 – 12:00: Workshop part 1
12:00 – 12:30: Lunch
12:30 – 14:30: Workshop part 2