Open Java Community Meet-up
We are pleased to invite you to a meet-up for Java enthusiasts for professional discussion and networking.
Please confirm your interest by filling out an online form to book your seat.
Thank you for your interest in this event.
This webinar has already ended, but we invite you to watch the videos of the lectures.
See you next time!
Vitalii Ivenko
Lead Software Engineer @EPAMMaksym Govorischev
Chief Software Engineer @EPAM
"Scaling search with SolrCloud"
Search engines are widely used on many projects and in different domains allowing a user to have an advanced full-text search capability. And nowadays with the high demand in processing huge volumes of data solutions provided and that is why search servers need to be optimized for high-volume traffic, highly scalable, and fault-tolerant. Apache Solr includes the ability to set up a cluster of Solr servers, SolrCloud, combines all the features listed above.
A speech will cover general acquaintance with SolrCloud and how it works and sheds light on cluster component “logical” concepts layered on top of “physical” concepts and features and more: traditional Solr systems overview, SolrCloud terminology, Shards, leaders, replicas, and other concepts, scaling with the SolrCloud architecture, central configuration and cluster coordination with ZooKeeper. Why do I need it? You don’t unless you want to get some introductory of getting to know how scalable search systems work
"Quarkus - make microservices "micro" again"
Nowadays, microservice development is not just mainstream, it has become an over-hyped buzzword. However, very often microservices are anything but "micro" considering resource footprint of frameworks like Spring Boot. Microframeworks are trying to fix this by promoting a set of concepts and programming approaches, that drastically reduce resource consumption and startup times of the service. During this talk, we're going to have a look at one of the most promising players on the Java microframeworks field - Quarkus. We will explore underlying concepts, programming model, possible integrations with the rest of the microservice ecosystem and more.