Python Community Webinar
We are pleased to invite you to a webinar for Python enthusiasts for professional discussion.
Please confirm your interest by filling out an online form to book your seat.
A virtual room has a limited number of participants.
Denys Terentiev
Software Engineer @EPAMDmytro Astakhov
Senior Software Engineer @EPAMTOPICS & DESCRIPTION
"PySpark and Dask for Data Scientist"
Every day the amount of data is growing in the world. Data almost in all cases comes unstructured or structure doesn't correspond to our expectations. And we need to make fast data processing. In this tech talk, we'll consider the most popular technologies using Python for data processing.
"Serverless with AWS and Python"
When we moved from developing monolith to microservices than we got more flexible and resource-effective solutions and a change of development approach. Nowadays, even though serverless is not something new anymore, there is a certain degree of mistrust and caution when it comes to implementation using this approach. The speech will cover differences between monolith, microservices and serverless development approaches, generic AWS serverless application structure, AWS Lambda caveats, monitoring, and deployment.