10:30 – 11:00 Welcome coffee & networking
11:00 – 11:45 "The daily routine of a consultant in testing" by Yuliia Sherenkova
Being a member of the Testing Competency Center at EPAM sounds like being a super-hero, tackling seemingly unsolvable problems and saving projects from certain failure. And sometimes it’s true. However, there are quite a few activities hidden behind-the-scenes that are also interesting and challenging. We’re going to discuss the typical (and not-so-typical) tasks which, here at the Testing CC, we face on an everyday basis.
12:00 – 12:45 "Who's faster and more..." by Vitalii Prykhid
The majority of people use web-browsers like they do cars. They are not interested in what is under the car’s hood, they just insert the key into the ignition and start driving. For the everyday user this is fine, but it's important for designers, developers and automators to know how a browser actually works.
The main topics of the presentation:
- How browsers work
- The main browser components
- What is Blink?
- What is V8?
- Should we use XPath everywhere? Consider whether the item in the class or id is faster than XPath? And why?
13:00 – 13:45 "The automation we deserve"by Roman Marinsky
We will talk about the automation we deserve – automation that drives confidence and which we need to have. The presentation will explore appropriate approaches to automation of Android and Web applications, and not without criticism of existing approaches (18+). There will even be some code on the slides!
13:45 – 14:10 Coffee break & networking
14:10 – 14:55 "Digital factory" by Oleh Maksymuk
I will share experience of СІ and test automation in the continuous-delivery process:
- Why do we need CI / CD: always have the latest version of the application code and when you have a dynamic business that changes with high-frequency
- Automated testing roles in CI / CD / CD benefits, pros and cons
- Feedback loop
- UI testing
- ROI vs Testing Pyramid
- Agile Process organization
- Helpful automation testing tools (WebDriver manager, EPAM Report Portal)
- Adapt the solution to the project, not the project to the solution
- Common mistakes
15:10 – 15:55 "How to Start REST API Automation Testing in 20 Minutes" by Serge Sheptytskyi
I will talk about how to build a REST API Automation Testing Framework POC in the shortest time using popular tools/technologies.