Пропустити навігацію EPAM

EPAM JavaScript Meet-Up | Lviv

31 жовт. 2019
Rius Hotel
Hnatyuka, 12A, Lviv, Ukraine
18:30 – 22:00

We are pleased to invite you to a meet-up for JavaScript specialists for professional discussion and networking. 

Please find information about topics and speakers below.

To book your seat, you need to fill out an online form. This way, we can estimate the size of the audience.


18:30 – 19:00 - Registration and coffee breaks

19:00 – 19:45 - "So why do you need to know Algorithms and Data Structures in Front-end, anyway?", Adam Leos @ PlutoTV

19:50 – 20:30 - "DynamoDB data modeling", Oleksandr Hladin @ EPAM  

20:35 – 21:15 - "Angular. The worst practices", Andrii Romanchak @ EPAM  

21:20 – 22:00 - "Protractor on the top of Testing Pyramid", Andrii Sakiienko, Andriy Klymosvkyi @ EPAM 



Lead engineer @ PlutoTV

Web application author @ UnlimitedControl



“So why do you need to know Algorithms and Data Structures in Front-end, anyway?"

Topic description

During the presentation, we will learn the main advantages a front-end developer receives with knowledge of algorithms and data structures. We will analyze real-life examples which have helped to make the software logic simpler – and an application to work considerably faster. We will explore the essential things that enable one to both determine a code’s effectiveness and improve it with ease.


Software Engineer @EPAM



“DynamoDB data modeling”

Topic description

Data everywhere. We need to store and use it in the right way. I'd like to talk about want to discuss how to store data in the right way with Amazon DynamoDB and use it with minimal effort.


Software Engineer @EPAM



“Angular. The worst practices”

Topic description

How can we make Angular look bad? We will show you some of the most interesting mistakes in Angular apps and try to find their solutions and root causes.


Software Test Automation Engineer @EPAM







Software Engineer @EPAM




“Protractor on the top of the "Testing Pyramid”

Topic description

Features, advantages, and disadvantages testing types.
The "Test pyramid" - it is a model, not a guideline.
A model can be wrong, but some models are useful (other shapes of a pyramid).
It depends on the type of testing (manual or automated) on various factors, including project requirements, budget, timeline, expertise, and suitability.
Three vital factors of any project are of course time, cost, and quality.
E2E tests implementation using Protractor framework, pitfalls and how to avoid them (experience from a real project), best practices for building efficient e2e testing ecosystem.


Hotel RIUS

 Hnatyuka, 12А (2nd floor)




Contact us to learn more!

Email: WFACareerAnnouncementsUA@epam.com

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