EPAM JavaScript Meet-Up | Lviv
We are pleased to invite you to a meet-up for JavaScript specialists for professional discussion and networking.
Please find information about topics and speakers below.
To book your seat, you need to fill out an online form. This way, we can estimate the size of the audience.
18:30 – 19:00 - Registration and coffee breaks
19:00 – 19:45 - "So why do you need to know Algorithms and Data Structures in Front-end, anyway?", Adam Leos @ PlutoTV
19:50 – 20:30 - "DynamoDB data modeling", Oleksandr Hladin @ EPAM
20:35 – 21:15 - "Angular. The worst practices", Andrii Romanchak @ EPAM
21:20 – 22:00 - "Protractor on the top of Testing Pyramid", Andrii Sakiienko, Andriy Klymosvkyi @ EPAM