Open AQA Community Meet-up
We are pleased to invite you to a meet-up for AQA specialists for professional discussion and networking.
Please confirm your interest in the event and book your seat by the link.
Yuliia Sherenkova
Lead Software Testing Engineer @EPAMArtem Rozumenko
"Daily routines of consultants in Testing"
I’ll tell you about what consultants from EPAM Testing Competency Center usually do.
I’ll show some successful or weird cases that we solved over the past year and a half, as well as my path and my activities as a consultant in testing.
"Running performance tests within CI/CD pipeline"
Anyone can run jMeter or Gatling as a part of a pipeline, but usually, it influences only on duration of a pipeline, but not on the quality of the product. Everyone can spin, but is it affect real speed improvements of your application? Those are a few topics to be covered during our discussion.